Monday 27 May 2024

Harvest time.

 I am so chuffed, these potatoes are from my first bag, they had not flowered, but the tops were beginning to droop, so I thought, might as well. Once they are cleaned they will be ready for hubby to cook. I have another bag and some in the ground, so plenty more to come.
Another harvest from my broad beans, hubby and I sat outside chatting and removing these from their pods. A third was used with our Sunday roast, with some of my potatoes, the rest are in the freezer. I will get another harvest from my broad beans, I am counting them as a success. 
The potatoes bag was filled again with the soil plus some chicken poo pellets, and I have planted my courgette,  I've popped it back in the same spot, loads of room to grow, soon it will fill this corner.
Sunday lunch was salmon encroute, with new potatoes and broad beans, hubby added some frozen peas, such a lovely meal, made better with home grown produce. Hopefully it's the start of a good growing season.

The buzz from having any type of harvest is great, for years we have grown fruits, my veg beds are only small and with buckets and bags I can fill my back section of the garden with produce. We have been eating homegrown lettuce and mixed salad leaves for a couple of weeks, the hope as in previous years is to have cucumber and tomatoes as well. My herbs are all looking good, hubby uses loads in his cooking. Very exciting for me is my lime tree, which looks a bit bare of leaves, has a couple of flowers forming, for the very first time.

Having our new garden layout is giving me loads of new growing space, I still have some flowers and my wildlife pond, the back section is still very pretty. Using the path in front of the greenhouse for buckets and bags, gives me extra growing space, once the season is finished, I can pop all the soil on my veg beds and pack things away.


  1. Blooms on a wee tree you have nurtured, is very exciting!!

  2. Great to see your harvesting.

  3. You are getting a good harvest, so pleasing.
    ... and your Sunday lunch looks delicious.

    All the best Jan

  4. i'm looking forward to my first potato crop in a few weeks time. You did well with your crop. Can't wait for the courgettes to start fruiting. Very satisfying to grow your own food isn't it.

  5. Now that is a great harvest of potatoes and broad beans. Are broad beans the same as what we call lima beans here? They do look very similar.

    God bless.

    1. I think Lima is butter beans, which are paler and bigger than broad beans, but they are all in the same family of beans. I did not know this, Mr Google gave me the facts.

  6. I admire both your enthusiasm and your success.

  7. Your potatoes and broad beans look lovely. It is great to eat things you've grown yourself. Feels like taking back control of your food. Looking forward to seeing future harvests from your new veg beds.
