Wednesday 1 February 2023


Spring has arrived, not really, I packed away my poinsettia, it felt a bit out of place, I have mixed my new tulips with the 2 old bunches, the vase now looks full, I do like the colours together. These will stay out until early April, seeing them every day does not take away from their beauty, just saves me loads of money on cut flowers. They look very real. I love my white Amaryllis, note the 2nd bud growing, this one is called Wedding Dance. 
What to do with my hexagons, I have made 67 flowers, I have enough sewn hexagons to make a few more. I love each flower is the same outer designs, I have mixed the inner designs, they look tidy, and I do love things to look tidy. BUT I have no idea what to make with them, for now the sit in a pile on my box on the shelf, any suggestions?

I have started my next design, I love this simple but effective design, the colours make it sing, at one point I thought I was not going to be able to add it, I had lost the pattern. It was out of print so I could not order it again, I searched all through my computer, not there. I then went to Pintrest and found a copy, normally I would not take a designers work, but I had already paid for it many years ago. I could only find this one section, I can work from it, it will tumble around the box, and yes you can see an unpicked area, the 1 stitch out syndrome. 

It's been a really quiet week, nothing much has happened, we have not been out much other than for walks, I have been crafting, and sorting, hubby has been baking, breads and a marmalade cake. Hubby is bored, but most of the jobs needs the nicer weather so he like me waits for spring. We have had some 'quotes' for blinds for the 2 front windows, once we have our new windows, then we can get measured and order some, I would like to wooden internal shutters, which are hugely expensive, hubby not keen on the price. Our new windows should be in by end of the month, so I have a few weeks to wear him down, this will be the last of home improvements for this year. 

On a brighter note, our village butchers has retired, we did not use him much as his meat was not good quality and expensive, a father and son have taken over the business, they have cleaned and organised the premises, we have not shopped there yet, still using meat from the freezer, we will use them if prices and quality are right for us. We are still hoping we can have a new baker take over the old bakery, which with the new butcher would keep the heart of the village strong. 

So it's February, how did that happen, January normally drags as a long dull month, this year in our house it whizzed by, is that the precedent for this year, I hope not.   


  1. Spring is tantalisingly close isn't it? Still so cold though. We have lots of Spring bulb leaves out in the garden, none yet in flower, it'll be 2 or 3 weeks yet before the buds burst open. I can't wait to see them.

  2. Your tulips are lovely and they do look like real ones, don't the years fly it doesn't seem like 5 minutes since I was buying the bunches of daffs from the supermarket and now it's time to start again, I love spring flowers they really cheer you up. The hexagons are lovely you could maybe make a quilt with them, table runner? the cross stich is very pretty it will be lovely when it's done. x

  3. I made a sewing machine cover with my hexie's, it looks lovely. Just an idea.

    1. I made a cove last November for my sewing machine,

  4. Spring is still a long way away here. I just hope the weather warms up.

    God bless.

  5. Your amaryllis looks beautiful. One flower on mine is just starting to open. I'm looking forward to it blooming.

  6. Your tulips look lovely, so nice and colourful.

    All the best Jan
