Friday, 31 May 2019

May roundup

Over my target spend again, most on the garden, but we have almost finished the garden, just waiting for a few bags of blue slate to pop under our tree. I did not record all our spend on the garden, a lot of the cost came from the refurb fund, which we had not overspend on. The Olive tree would have doubled my garden spend, but hubby agreed to add it to our refurb budget.

I have not purchased any clothes or shoes and nothing for the house, it is really rewarding to see the value of every thing we own, we have everything we need to have a comfortable life style, and no desire to add any more clutter to our lives.

We got a few second hand items from our local Facebook selling pages, the trike for Will was a brilliant bargain, and all my clay pots have found homes in the greenhouse, I have already used some of them. I also got some more free books and I have passed loads on.

We had another online shopping delivery, they offered 30% off and free delivery, which we are happy to use, and it saved us going to a supermarket over the bank holiday weekend.

Our biggest rise in spending again is at our local Co-op, it is so easy to walk down for one thing and come home with loads, we always check out their yellow stickers, and plan meals around what's on offer. We do need to eat from our freezers, we have 2 small ones, and they are full.

We have stopped using the pouches for cat food, they can't be recycled, so we are back purchasing tins, they are much cheaper, one can last both cats 2 days, Grace does not eat much wet food, but she does love the jelly from the tins. Tins are recycled.

Both water butts are full, and I am using them, saving water as much as we can. We are looking at ways to save water from the house, but in a small garden storage becomes an issue, it would be lovely to reuse our shower water.

It's been a good month, I think I am going to have to look at my budgets, I'm spending far more on yarn, I do love to knit and crochet, and enjoy the fact I have time to craft.


  1. Small gardens are great to garden but water storage is a problem which I have too. I'd love to compost again but space is the problem there too. I keep thinking about a wormery.

    1. I love my small wormery, it's a plastic 3 tray one, which will last for years, I give them all the veg off cuts, they give me compost and fertiliser, one of the best things I have in the garden.

  2. Our water butt has been empty twice already this year because of the lack of rain. We have spent quite a lot on the garden in the last two months - now I am not working I am spending more time out there and we have also been tidying up a few areas...but the garden gives me a lot of pleasure so worth spending money on it.

    1. I agree, I spend most of the day outside when the sun is shinning and if its raining I sit inside and watch my garden.

  3. Well done on your spending again. I try not to walk into town after work unless I really have to, as you say, once inside a shop there is invariable an unplanned purchase.
    Have a good weekend

  4. My list are really only for me, but since I have been recording my spending it focus my mind on waste.

  5. You may have spent quite a bit on the garden just lately but it probably evens itself out over the year.

  6. WE always spend more in the shops buying the bargains, and like you the freezer is full of goodies that really need to be used. The plan for June is to empty them a bit and save some ££.

  7. Your spending / budgeting lists are a good idea. It's always good to see where your money is going. Cx
