Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Catching up

Cousins having tea out together
 Last night we all got together for tea at a burger place the boys love
I got the best bargain ever off our local Facebook selling page , all these pots, there is over 50 here for £15, most are old, most are hand made, I have too many so I will pop some back on Facebook, with a few other things I don't use. If I am lucky and sell everything, it will replace the cost of these. 

 I thought this was a Christmas Cactus, but it flowered earlier in the year, now there are a couple more buds and loads of new growth. 
Hubby wanted to change the pot our Olive is in, and chose a huge pot, with plenty of growing space, it was pot bound in the old pot, so we had to cut roots. I am hoping it survives and grows.  
I now have another huge pot to plant up, I have some flowers in the greenhouse I can use.  
The weather is still warm here in Hampshire, Saturday was dull all day, can't complain after the perfect sunshine the day before. We spent most of the day at home, popping out only once to B&Q as hubby wanted a new pot for the Olive tree, I passed on all the plants, nothing in the half dead section I fancied. We had time to sit and share a shandy in the afternoon, enjoying the garden
Sunday I was home alone, I collected the clay pots and spent an hour cleaning them, each one was dirty, I have a thing about clean pots, there was plenty of space in my greenhouse for the pots, so they are packed away. After doing some house work, I had a restful afternoon, I should have got my sewing machine out but was not in the right mood. We had a nice amount of rain in the afternoon, more water in our water buts.  I have added the cost of the clay pots to my stash list, the new pot for the Olive came from the garden refurb fund.
Monday we had Will, but I had to pop out with youngest daughter, so did not see as much of him as normal, he went to town with hubby on the bus, which Will loves, he slept most of the afternoon. We drove to collect Josh, oldest grandson and all met up for tea. We have a great burger bar not so far away, which makes wonderful burgers and hot dogs, both older boys love it there.
Today is bright and sunny, so we have washing on the line, we have a trip out planned to a big garden center, they have a pot recycling area, I have sorted all the plastic pots to recycle, I now only have a couple huge pots (always handy to have) and some tiny ones for cactus.


  1. What a great bargain. I love clay pots, they look so much nicer than plastic ones, the only drawback is that they dry out much faster so you have to be on the ball with the watering. Glad you had a lovely time out for tea with your grandsons.

  2. You got a good bargain with the pots, they look much nicer than plastic ones. The boys look like they enjoyed their burgers :-)

  3. Super bargain, clay pots always looks so lovely.
    A nice midweek treat for the boys to have tea with you.

    I looked for the WYS Hollyberry wool and have about 25 grams left. If you would like it please let me know.

  4. Such a lovely photograph of the boys in the burger place :)

    All the best Jan
