Sunday, 3 February 2019

That's better.

Not every post is going to be about weaving, 
but for now I am recording my progress, 
so I know what not to repeat and what works. 
 These 2 cones came from the charity shop, £5 for both.
 On checking my stash I decided to use these, 
mixing the colours.
 The lighter colour in the middle, 
much quicker threading my loom, less issues with achy back.
 All neat and tidy.
 This yarn is much better, 
it flows through the heddle bar and is quicker to work with. 
I am using the same yarn for the weaving. 
It blends well to for a nice design.
I watched a couple of videos, to ensure I had not forgot anything, plus I found this one, showing 10 mistakes new weavers make, it really helped. This time it was quick to thread my loom, even with the extra of using two colours, I have no issues, the yarn flows much better, and because it's a bit stronger, the tension is better. I only did about 30 minutes weaving, everything behaved as it should.
The cones of yarn, I will use for weaving, it's handy I can purchase them cheaply to play with. I want to get ahead and make this scarf, I now feel very confident I'm on the right path. So Pam, my advice is buy a loom, it's great fun!! The photos were taken yesterday evening, with the flash so they are a bit dark.
I've done more knitting on my jumper it's growing quickly, I have worked out the size for another jumper for Will, ensuring it will fit this time.
I am building a plan of how I want to make my bag for my loom and accessories, I already have some strong black material I can use for the body. I need to be able to store my spare heddle bar, plus, I am now certain I will have another 12 dent heddle bar, so I can use thinner cotton to weave with.
Another sunny frosty morning here, hubby wants to go out this afternoon, not sure where, but weaving later.


  1. The idea of that scares me to death, Marlene, but it really looks like you're having lots of fun!

  2. I'm interested to see what comes off your loom, it looks very complicated though.
    The weather has been lovely here all weekend too, very cold, but then it's not quite so bad if the sun is shining is it.
    Have a good week

  3. I love theclokbof it butvim need to master crocheting before anything else.

  4. Wonderful choice of colors, it looks like it will be beautiful.

  5. Great colour choice and what a bargain on the cone wool.
