Saturday 16 February 2019

New things

Valentine gift from hubby, 
I asked him not to purchase flowers, 
we are away this weekend. 
 Hubby loves his new socks,
a perfect fit
 This is the 3rd bud on my Amaryllis, 
but no flowers yet.
 Sneaky cast on for socks for me.
We are in Somerset, drove down Friday afternoon, staying with my brother, no plans just a lazy Saturday.
Sunday we will visit Logan and Finn in Taunton, it is always wonderful to catch up with these special little boys, due to hubby's health last year we have not seen them since later summer.
I have not forgot my giveaway from last Saturday, I will sort it once we are back home.


  1. Your hubby's feet look snug in his new socks. Another sock cast-on? Perfect little knitting project for when you're away from home. Have a lovely weekend. Best, Jane x

  2. What a thoughtful gift from hubby, the socks look good on him! Have a lovely weekend Marlene.

  3. Love the Hellebore, I have 3 they always do so well. You just reminded me I forgot to do an Amaryllis again this year. Enjoy the weekend.

  4. Your hellebore will last much longer than flowers, a wonderful gift. Your amaryllis is certainly giving value for money, I don't think I've ever grown one with three stems before.

  5. Enjoy your visit with long lost relatives. It sounds like a nice place to visit. Somerset! I hope the sun comes out for you.

  6. Oh Iove helibores,just can't keep them alive worth a drat! Have great trip!

  7. Lovely pot plant. The socks are wonderful. Three Amaryllis?

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  8. Hubby's socks look great, you are doing really well with your sock knitting. I hope you have had a great weekend catching up with the boys.

  9. I love how he posed for your photo - the socks look good on him! What a lovely gift and it will last much longer than flowers.

  10. The hellebore is a great long lasting gift.
    Snug socks on hubbys feet, perfect fit.
    3 stems on the amaryllis plant, wow!

  11. Hubby's socks look good, and I love the colours in your socks.

    All the best Jan
