Sunday, 11 March 2018

Mothering Sunday

Lovely cards from Will and daughter.
Looking good. 
Friday, we went for a cycle ride in the morning, not too far staying local, in the afternoon we watched Finding your Feet, which is a brilliant film, hubby was worried as it's 'not his sort of film', but he totally enjoyed it.
Saturday, morning we shopped around, looking for items for our bathroom, in Wicks, we found the perfect basin with cupboard below, a much bigger basin, but not too big for the room, the cabinet was a better quality, far more expensive than from B&Q. We also found the perfect shower cubical, in fact we had a choice of two, we could not get it in the car, so later in the week, we will go down in our van to collect. Afternoon my sewing machine came out, more on that in the next post.
Sunday, I asked for no gifts this year, I really do not require anything, and now all our own children have their children, I feel the day should be theirs. My phone has buzzed this morning with lovely messages.  I am heading out into the garden for an hour, it's far to early to be doing much, but I love being outside. I might plan another sewing project later.
Just hubby and I today, Will, mummy and daddy are in Somerset visiting family. No plans, we don't go out for lunch, everywhere will be far to busy, we had a lovely meal last night, pie and mash, the pies were purchased from Cook, we will go back and get some more, they are good for an occasional treat.
I hope your Mother's day is everything you want it to be.


  1. I had a wonderful afternoon tea with my daughters yesterday. And I've just polished off some lovely chocolates. Not looking forward to the scales!

  2. Happy Mothering Sunday Marlene.

  3. Lovely cards, sounds like you had a lovely quiet restful day x

  4. Your posts are reminding me what a short growing season we have here. As my greenhouse is not heated the current temperatures would be fatal for most seedlings. I have sown some leeks but nothing's germinated.
