Sunday, 24 April 2016

Sunny Sunday

Today has been sunny all day
so I played in the garden
 I moved things around here to look less cluttered
I love the pots of fruit bushes along the fence. 
 It's a really sunny spot
 I have sorted both little greenhouses
Got rid of loads of pots and other stuff
 Just two of the three tulips I am growing
They are stunning
 My Cucamelon, which I thought was gone,
I have replanted them to see if they want to grow
 Last but not least a tidy shed
hubby laughs at me cleaning in my shed
it's small so it needs to be sorted. 
I have not done any planting outside as yet, it needs to get warmer first. I have put my chilli peppers in large pots and they are now in the green house with the cucumbers, all have cloches over for extra warmth.
I have separated my lemon and lime plants, The lemon is thriving at the cost of the lime, both are growing well.
Hubby did a run to the tip, I threw away loads, I hoard in the garden, every thing just might come in handy and I never use them.
The green little table in the top photo, hubby is doing up and youngest daughter will have it, I want to find a crate to display my cactus and small alpines.
Gardening is my therapy, out in the sun shine, replacing compost  in pots so flowers will grow again this year, clipping back shrubs to ensure they stay the correct size for our small plot. Six hours is a long time, I will ache like mad tomorrow, but later tonight I will sit and look out over the garden and a smile will appear on my face, satisfaction in a day well spent. I have a list of things to do, the side flower garden needs sorting, a few plants have gone mad. I have veg and herbs to plant. Most of all I have a garden to enjoy.
Hubby wants to grow the tomatoes again this year, but after last year where he did so very little and we had a poor crop. I am trying to get him out in the front garden, taking a step back and allowing him to grow what he wants there.


  1. Your garden looks lovely so neat and tidy, it has been sunny but very cold here today, I did a bit of dead heading and weeding for half an hour then back into the warm x

  2. Isn't it lovely working, planning, planting and relaxing in the garden.

  3. I have had a day in the house garden, this year it will be licked into shape, I have so many plants to get out, now I have back ache from all the bending so time to call it a day :-)

  4. Your yard looks so pretty! I don't try to grow tomatoes. We have a great farmer's market and I get them there.

  5. Your garden looks lovely. We will be doing little in ours this year as we are planning a big make over. It's still lovely to spend time in it though xx

  6. It's always nice to have some time in the garden. You managed to get a lot done!
    Best wishes

  7. Your garden looks lovely. That's the beauty of growing things in pots, you can move them around so that you can brighten up an area when something else has stopped blooming, or to somewhere else that needs a bit of cheer. Get your hubby to grow some bush type tomatoes, they require very little care as the sideshoots don't need pinching out. I can recommend Maskotka but there's lots of different varieties.

  8. It looks as though you have had a great time in the garden and as though your plants are coming along well! xx
