Friday, 16 October 2015

Slow down

Looking good and stitching quickly
I am switching the colours at every stage, 
I don't want to let this get messy, 
I am trying to reuse colours from the outer boarder. 
I intend to stitch all 11 outer boxes and then when I have sorted those colours 
 stitch the interior patterns. 
Christmas Cake
Dried fruit soaking up fresh juice from a large orange and two lemons
I use the same recipe each year, no booze at this stage
the heat in the oven evaporates it. 
It will be cooked tomorrow
 Last night hubby and I played,
 no sorry I mean put together this truck for Sam's birthday
he's going to be a builder when he grows up
I can't believe it's Friday again, how quickly the days pass, another stay at home weekend. I need to get into the garden, sort my green houses and start moving in pots, this lovely weather can't last and I really don't want to be caught out.
Sunday we are going to the venue chosen by daughter and her other half for their wedding next April, it's booked but they wanted to show us so we get a feel for the place, David's parents are coming as well, so a nice small trip out. I hope to finish the wedding invitations as well, we have changed the RSVP from a postcard to a small card, so I need to find small envelopes and re-size card to fit.
Nothing else planned, catch up on sleep, rest and relax. 


  1. I have seen your wonderful stitching on several projects and have bit the jealousy back. Now it is time to set to and try for myself, I will be looking for something for beginners over the next few days. I am off to Cardigan tomorrow and will be stopping in Newcastle Emlyn and shopping for supplies.

  2. I have Christmas cake making on my list and will be checking my store cupboards for ingredients next week. The festive season will soon be upon us. Best of luck with your trip.

  3. The stitching is looking lovely. Enjoy your weekend, a trip out to the venue sounds great.

  4. I'm always impressed by how beautifully neat your stitching is. I like the soft colours which you've chosen too. How exciting to be helping to plan a wedding! Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Cathy x

  5. Beautiful stitching Marlene.


  6. You two should have tried out the little toy truck!

  7. Awesome stitching. My family will be making puddings soon too.

  8. Oh crikey is it that time of year again! Now where did I put the xmas cake recipe. Lovely stitching as usual.

  9. Love the cross-stitching
    Julie xxxx

  10. Superb stitching, it does look stunning.
