Monday 4 August 2014

Is it Monday

European cushion
I have not stitched as much as I wanted, but I am getting on well with the bottom boarder, I want to complete this before stitching the rest of the centre panel. This is the boring bit, just repeating the same pattern, once finished it will look great.
Garden is doing well, the end by the garage is coming along well, 
the plants have taken and should fill out and balance this plot. 
 Don't you just love summer
First raspberry, which tasted sweet, the plant is loaded with fruit, 
Loads of cacumelons (Mexican Sour Cucumbers)
Catch up at my shed, 
The outer plants are climbers and in the centre a Fuchsia, I am please with this 1st years growth. I have packed away all my bargains from Wilkinson's ready for next spring, I keep popping in to see if they had added any more to their sale. I love having my own space, with all my gardening items to hand.
The garden is a delight, our Magnolia is flowering again, we had a nice harvest of carrots, beans and courgettes for our tea last night. I have planted more carrots and little gem lettuce, they should be ready soon. We are still picking strawberry's, for their 1st year we have had a good harvest. The cucamelons are slowly starting to form, with two plants we are going to have loads, I have read you can pickle them, so I will have a go. The beetroot and parsnips will be ready soon.
Inside my lime plant now has 4 leaves, and looking very healthy.
I did not have the weekend I was hoping for, my eldest daughter Fliss spent most of the weekend in hospital, with me by her side, she has had a chest infection for almost two months, her doctor gave her a third lot of antibiotics on a phone consultation, no appointments to see them left. She in fact had a viral infection, which the drugs had cured, but the after effects were causing the problems. She is staying with us for a few days to gather her strength, and looking for a new doctor.
Today I will potter around the house, I have a few calls to make chasing for any job interviews. Hubby is away tonight so Fliss and I can have a girly chatty evening in together


  1. Hope Fliss is OK, I haven't seen her on the blog of late. Send her my get well wishes
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Get well wishes for your daughter, I hope she is soon feeling much better.
    Your Japanese anemones are flowering beautifully, mine are still in bud.

  3. I so love seeing your blog pop up on my reading list. I know I will be finding out about the family and seeing some beautiful garden pictures . . and today was no exception.

    By the way, I like the pop of yellow around the sampler.

  4. Your garden is looking lovely and colourful.
    I hope your daughter makes a speedy recovery, its always a worry when they are ill no matter how old they get:-)
    Enjoy your girly evening.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that your daughter isn't well, sending get well wishes her way. I love this time of year when there's always plenty to eat from the garden, I'm trying to use up some of the courgettes for tea tonight, I've given loads away but the plants are going mad.
