Friday 3 January 2014

TUSAL 2013

My stitching is coming along well, 
I have one small heart to do and finish the top left hand side.  
 I have not taken part in TUSAL again last year, but I still keep my ORT's, they are perfect stuffing material. I always use this jar and it's pretty full again. I love all the colours, the purple on top is from the hearts.
 My Amaryllis is coming along, I hope the bulb will grow much higher, my bulbs are a poor display inside this year. I am not expecting much for the ones outside in pots, it's been far to wet.
 Earlier in the week I made turkey and ham pie with left overs, once the pie was made it did not look great, but the flavours were good. I shredded the turkey and ham and placed in a large oven proof dish, to this meat I added the pot of cranberry sauce, and mixed all together. I made the stuffing up and spread in on top of the meat, it was the pie top, baked in the oven, the cranberries made the meat moist and we both enjoyed the meal.
We have had another day of storms, rain and wind, plus high tides, again we are very lucky, no flooding close by. Our neighbour's tree is falling over, but it will land in gardens, so any damage will not cause too much problems. Our garden is still good, every thing is just so wet.
Tonight we are staying in, I want to do some more stitching, try and have my 1st finish of 2014, then I want to find another to finish. I have decided not to start anything in January, get a few finishes done and treat myself to a big start in February.
Tomorrow we are out to lunch, Win next door was 99 on Thursday, so we are going for a pub lunch.
Sunday we are hoping to book a break in France for June, something warm to look forward to.
Next week I have a new Christmas tree coming, I have got a seven foot tree on sale, and as you know I do love a bargain, so we can put it up to see we like it and then pack it away for 11 months.
So this weekend we are keeping dry and warm.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was the only one who liked to eat cranberries on top of my turkey or ham, and for that matter, chicken too. I ALWAYS take a bit f cranberries and meat on my fork together.

    We just had Pulled Buffalo Chicken sandwiches and I put cranberries on top of that chicken too :)

    Your heart is looking great.
