Monday, 11 June 2012

Bird food

 Our weekend was dull but mainly dry, Saturday was spent doing normal around the house things, but on Sunday, Josh and Sammy came to help Grancha. Kev loves to feed all the wildlife which visits our garden, and he makes his own lard cakes.
Josh helped chop and mix every thing together, he is packing soft cakes into cups, ready to take home for his garden. Below Sammy is helping to put them in the out side fridge to set.
 Then they filled up the nut and the worms, so there is plenty to eat.
 We then had loads of fun in the garden, football, cricket and golf, and loads of running around,
 This is what we found on our bedroom window, we think it must have been a pigeon
 Quite impressive, we often have marks where birds hit our glass, but this is the best.
Not much stitching done over the weekend, but loads of laughter, family time is always the best.

Over night we have had more heavy rain and in nearby towns we have flooding, we are OK, and I really do hope not to many homes are damaged, South Wales had loads of flooding. It's still heavy rain here and no change for the week, and we are still in drought. The long range fore caste is for June to stay wet!

Today I have two appointments at my local hospital, both check ups, so by the end of the day, I hope all will still be well. I feel so well, my energy levels are rising, I have lost another couple of pounds, every thing is positive here.

Hospital went well, I only have a check up each year, with one last small treatment left to go.


  1. Lovely photos of your grandsons helping Grancha.

    We have rain here too they nothing like south Wales.
    Best wishes for your appts tomorrow.

  2. Great photos and the pigeon on the window is certainly impressive. We've also got heavy rain :( Hope your hospital appointments went okay.

  3. I hope all went well with your hospital appointments.

    You are so right, family time is the best time ever, little people grow so fast and its nice to treasure those happy moments. Your grandsons look lovely.

    Very impressive pigeon mark, happens here often when they try to escape next door cats claws!
