Thursday 1 July 2010

Hunting for a witch

A couple weeks ago we had our BBQ for friends and family, today I am showing a few family photo's, they are late but I had to check with everyone it was Ok to have them here.

The above photo of me everyone loves,
I can't remember what I was laughing at, it was funny and great to laugh and have fun with friends. Yesterday I had my hair cut short, I will get a photo to show you.
Below is Su, I'm not sure why she has her hands up

Kev is where he loves to be, cooking, not the best photo, we have not done much work at the bottom of our garden. PS Kev is a brilliant BBQ chef.

Here is Josh and his dad Steve, Josh was drawing he loves all arts and craft's.
Behind is loads of our friends. The decking area outside the house is a perfect area for gatherings, and with the beautiful weather we have had, we spend alot of time there.

Now for my title, I am beginning to believe I am cursed, so I am looking for the witch to reverse the curse, either that or I am having a really bad year, maybe I will go with the bad year, cos in 6 months it will be over.

I got my chemo dates this week and found they have booked me a session for 3 days before Su and Gav wedding, so I am fighting to change that. I have to have some stitches removed tomorrow, which should have dissolved inside of me, but has decided to force themselves out.

And yesterday the company I work for closed, no one has called me to tell me anything, I found out on Facebook. So today I have been trying to contact people, but from today I am unemployed!. Kev says's I have time to heal and rest, but I would prefer to work and earn some dosh. So tomorrow after my hospital visit I'm off to the benifit office to see if I can get some help with the bills.

PS I have finished 47 squares on my cushion front only 53 to go.

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