Friday 9 July 2010

Friday catch up

Yesterday I did some more baking, I am enjoying having time to do more things. I wanted to show you my collection of baking items, I love the colours. They are brilliant to use and each is dishwasher safe, so a perfect solution.

I made muffins, they did not rise as much as they should have, but they tasted good, I made lemon and poppy seed ( normally I get one at Cafe Nero with my coffee) and cranberry and white chocolate.

I am on square 52, out of 100, I am still very happy with this cushion front, I try and do one square per day, but I don't always have time.

This harlequin design was not on my 10 patterns I had chosen to use on this cushion front, but as I finished the 5th design, I knew I wanted a bright design next, so I got out my sketch pad ( I'm not good at art) and came up with this design.

I have also cut out Su's wedding dress, I waiting until now, because she has been loosing weight and I wanted it to have a good fit, Su gets married in 7 weeks, I hope to do most of the machine sewing in the next few days, then I have to sew on loads of clear beads, but I have asked friends and family to help so everyone can say they had input into it. Su loves the idea everyone is helping. The pattern does not have many pieces, but the design has loads of folds along on side to allow the silk to drape across the front of the dress.

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