Sunday 28 March 2010

Wiggles on Sunday

Joshua spent this afternoon with Nanna and Grancha,
we have had fun in the garden and the house,

Josh came today dressed as Murry Wiggle, with his red top on, we all love the Wiggles, they sing and dance and play loads of musical instruments. We brought Josh a Ukulele, bright yellow, Fliss his mum is very musical and will teach him to play it. It's just the right size for him to play. We sang and danced to the DVD " you make me feel like dancing", it was great fun and loads of excise.

We also did a bit of work in the garden, Josh planted the blue pot above with one flowering plant and loads of Beogonia corns, which he thought was the strangest seeds he has ever planted, he also planted a second pot below. My Acer plant is in bud again, but the lawn behind is in a terrible state.
We have in my small greenhouse, sunflower, tomato and poppy seeds all planted to see how many grow.
The Magnolia tree is just about to burst, both Kev and I love it already and have been told by friends we do have a chance it can flower twice a year.

We have been busy in the house, Kev has replaced the final few light fittings and this morning we took delivery of 33 packs of wood flooring, we have to store it in the room for a while to let it settle into the conditions of the room. The plaster is drying well, and we plan to start sealing next weekend, we will also put up the coving and paint the ceilings. Still we do not have any radiators but the weather is a bit warmer.

Sunday 21 March 2010

Sunny Sunday

Today it has been sunny and I have been in the new garden, so far all we have been able to do is tidy the decking and put a couple of chairs out. My dish I made last year has lived through the winter and is still looking good. The lady who lived here before was not a gardener so I have alot to do.

One of the first jobs I want to do is lift some paving stones by the small wall and plant a garden, it's a sunny spot and I want to create a cottage flower garden, I have loads of bulbs, plants, seeds and a couple of yellow rose bushes. I have started lifting the stones, but I will need some top soil and therefore plan to finish the area next weekend.

I have just one lot of daffodils in the garden, so I will plants loads of spring bulbs in September.
I have removed the colour stones from this bed, I don't like the stones here. I have some shrubs from our old house to plant and will full the area with bedding plants.

We have one tree in the garden, which I think is a beech, it is full of bud at this time and we can't wait for the life to burst out. We have loads of signs spring is here, we just need the weather to get a bit warmer for everything to grow. This is the only flower garden we have at the moment. so it does look very bare.

Out side my back door I have put "grandad", both Kev and I fell in love with him, he guards the only colour we have in our planting, as you can see the back of the house has alot of decking, we are hoping to take some away, later we will have a new lawn, but not for months, we have other things to do first.

The front garden has the same yellow stone all over giving us two car parking spots, but I want to soften the look with some shrubs in the corners. But for now I am planning to do all the work in the back garden.

It's after 5pm now and even with the sun still shining it's getting cold. We have emptied the sitting and dining rooms, Kev removed both radiators from the wall, so I am in the office one of the few rooms we have heating in. We have also had to remove all the electrical fittings so we have no power or light, it's going to be a fun few days. By Wednesday we should be able to get the power back, and use both rooms again but the radiators won't get put back until next weekend. We have seen some flooring we like and will probally purchase it next weekend, but we will have to paint before we can lay flooring.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

A Perfect place for a wedding

This is Portchester Castle,
it's about 15 minutes walk from our house and is situated along the waterfront opposite Portsmouth harbour.

These photo's were taken last year, it's a great place to go for a walk, the moat does not go all the way around. The inner keep is the best kept part, often there are things happening here.

Inside the castle walls, where you are sheltered from any wind, there are always people there, having fun with young children and in the summer having picnics.

Also in the grounds is our local church, St Mary's, this is where our daughter Su will be married in August of this year. It is a very small church and very beautiful inside. Gav's parents were married here and both Gav and his sister were christened here.
I think the location for the wedding photo's is idyllic and proving the day is sunny I can't wait to see them.
We have just finished the wedding invitation's, we have other items to make for the day for the reception.

After Easter Su and I will go shopping for her wedding dress material and then I shall be busy with making it, I don not have any bridesmaid dresses to make, Su and Gav are having one pageboy, Josh and one bridesmaid, Shannon.

I'm now planning to work in my garden if it stays sunny on Sunday, we have a few things to move before the guy comes to do the plastering, so another busy weekend.

Mothering Sunday

Below is my Spanish sampler, almost finished, I mean it now,
I'm not adding any more panels
I am so pleased with it, I want to mount it in a cushion.

Last weekend was Mothering Sunday, and we had both girls around to visit, The Orchid was brought for me by Kev, he always gets me a card, that's why there are three there.

Su brought me flowers below and made a wonderful mixed soft fruit cheesecake, I did tell my daughter's not to buy anything this year, so they both made me things. Su is just getting into cookery.

Fliss brought a small cloth for the table from the pound shop and made it very spacial
On each corner she has embroidered each of our full names and added my mum's name.
Josh made me a beautiful picture.

In the house Kev is hiding our furniture again, this time we have taken all the units from the sitting and dining room and stored them in the spare bedroom. He is removing all the skirting boards, coving and any tacks on the walls, he is also renewing the radiators, the guy will be with us next week to plaster the walls and ceilings of both rooms, we have to choose the wooden flooring and the blinds, do the painting. Kev won't lay the new floor, woodwork is not his best skills. So another couple of weeks looking like a building site, but it is the last area we are doing this year.
With Easter on the way, we are planning to spend time in the garden, I have loads to plant.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Spanish sampler

I wanted to show you my sampler, I am working on the second extra panel.

Yet again my photo is not the best, I am not sure if it's me or my camera, but the quality of my photo's are not that good at the mo. I so love stitching this design, and at this point my stitching is very important to me. I am picking the lighter panels to redo. I want to make this into a cushion cover for our bed, I have gone cushion mad, we have 6 on our bed, and bless Kev each night and morning the are moved and then put back, he just laughs I hope he will not mind another one.

I have had a craft evening, Su our middle daughter is getting married in August, we have just designed her wedding cards for both day and evening. From these we have designed the order of service and the table name place settings. At the weekend we will go to Hobbycraft and buy everything required to make them, so I am going to be busy next week.

I am pleased to have sorted the design, I will show you them in a later blog, I'm sure I won't be allowed to show them before we send them out.